Welcome to Smt. Tanuben & Dr. Manubhai Trivedi College of Information Science, Wadia Women Campus, Athwalines, Surat, 395001
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Unit 1. Introduction to Organization and Management

1.1.What makes an organization

1.2.Structure of organization

1.3.What is Management

1.4.Scope of Management

1.5.Role of Management

1.6.Manager’s Role (Interpersonal Role, Information Role and Decisional Role)

1.7.Managerial Skills (Technical Skills, Human Skills, Conceptual Skills)

Unit 2. Attitude

2.1.Meaning of Attitudes

2.2.Characteristics of Attitudes

Unit 3. Motivation

3.1.What is motivation?

3.2.Nature and Characteristics of Motivation

3.3.Importance & Benefits of Motivation

Unit 4. Leadership

4.1.What is Leadership?

4.2.Characteristics of Leadership

4.3.Leadership Styles

4.4.Leadership Skills (Technical Skills, Conceptual Skills. Personal Skills)

Unit 5. BPO & Call Centre

5.1. What is B.P.O?

5.2.What is out-sourcing? Benefits of outsourcing

5.3.What is Call Centre?

5.4.Call Centre setup & functions

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UNIT-1: Introduction to Internet

1.1 Concepts of Internet

1.1.1 Introduction to Internet

1.1.2 Evolution of Internet

1.1.3 Internet Services

1.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

1.2 Internet Connections

1.2.1 Types of Internet connection (Dial-up Connection, Leased Connection, Broadband Connection, Wi-Fi, Mobile Broadband, Mobile Hotspot, Cable Model Connection)

1.2.2 Working of Internet

1.2.3 Difference between Internet, Intranet, Extranet

UNIT-2: World Wide Web

2.1 Introduction to WWW

2.2 WWW Architecture

2.3 Introduction to Internet Protocols (TCP,IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, (Only Introduction and their purpose))

2.4 ISP (Internet Service Provider)

2.5 Applications of Internet

2.5.1 Search Engine, Web Server, News Group

2.5.2 E-mail, E-Learning, E-Banking, E-Governance

2.5.3 Social Networking, Instant Massaging, IRC, Audio and Video Conferencing

UNIT-3: Internet Security and Privacy

3.1 Internet Security Overview

3.2 Data Encryption

3.2.1 Symmetric Key Encryption

3.2.2 Public Key Encryption

3.3 Concepts of Digital Signature

3.4 Concepts about Firewall Security

UNIT-4: HTML & Structure Web Page

4.1 Introduction to HTML

4.1.1 HTML introduction

4.1.2 Structure of HTML page

4.1.3 HTML Comments

4.2 HTML Elements (<h1>…<h6>, <p>,<br>, <a>, <img>)

4.3 HTML Attributes (alt, href, src, width, height, style, title, id)

4.4 HTML Headings (<head>)

4.5 Text Formatting Tags(<b>, <strong>,<i>,<em>,<mark>,<small>,<del>, <ins>,<sub>,<sup>)

UNIT-5: Structuring Web Page using HTML

5.1 Tables

5.1.1 Table height and width

5.1.2 Table Caption

5.1.3 Cell padding and Cell Spacing

5.1.4 Column Span Row Span

5.2 Links and bookmarks

5.3 Forms

5.3.1 Form Attributes

5.3.2 Form Controls (Text Input, Select Box, Submit and Reset Button)

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Unit 1. Introduction to Accounting System

1.1.Meaning & Definition of Accounting

1.2.Objectives of Accounting

1.3.Concepts and Features of Book Keeping

1.4.Branches of Accounting (Financial Management, Cust)

1.5.Basis of Accounting (Accrual Bases, Cash Bases)

1.6.Accounting Concepts

Unit 2. Accounting Equation & Transaction Analysis

2.1.Introduction to Assets, Liabilities, Equities

2.2.Concepts of Transaction Analysis

2.3.Classification of Accounts (Real Account, Personal Account, Nominal Account)

Unit 3. Concepts of Book-Keeping

3.1.Introduction of Single Entry System and its advantages/disadvantages

3.2.Introduction of Double Entry System and its advantages

3.3.Types of Business Transaction

3.3.1.Cash Transaction

3.3.2.Credit Transaction

3.3.3.Barter Transaction

3.4.Concepts of important Terminologies: Opening Stock, Closing Stock, Goods, Inventory, Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Debit, Debtors, Creditors, Income, Expenses, Loss, Profit, Credit, Debit.

Unit 4. Journal & Subsidiary Books (With Preliminary examples)

4.1.Meaning of Journal

4.2.Format of Journal

4.3.Concept and format of cash Book

4.4.Concept and format of Petty cash Book

4.5.Concept and format of Purchase, Sale, Purchase Return and Sale Return Book

Unit 5. Concept of Accounting Mechanism

5.1.Meaning and Definition of Ledger

5.2.Types of Ledger

5.3.Trial Balance and its objectives

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Unit 1. Software Fundamentals

1.1.What is software

1.2.Types of software ( System and Application Sotware)

1.3. System Software Fundamentals.

1.4. Application software fundamentals.

1.5. Purpose of Application software

1.6 Stand-alone Application software

1.7 Multi-user Application Software

1.8 Client-server Architecture concepts.

Unit 2. Introduction to File System and File Management

2.1.What is website

2.2.Purpose of Website

2.3. Working of interactive websites.

2.4. Various software and tools used to develop static and interactive websites.

2.5 Working of online transactions

Unit 3. Case Study-1 :

3.1. Study of design and application of popular websites. [Purpose of this unit is to show Live demo of various sites and introduce their various features during class room teaching.]

3.1.1 Online product shopping websites: Case Study of Amazon, Snapdeal, Flipkart.

3.1.2. Online reservation system : Case study of Railway Reservation System (IRCTC), Bus Reservation System (GSRCT).

3.1.3 Online transactions processing

3.2 Online Payments:

3.2.1 Security measures of online payment system.

3.2.2 Payment gateway

3.2.3 Concepts of NEFT, RTGS, IMPS

3.2.4 Online Payment Systems using mobile apps like PayTm, BHIM

3.2.5 Online payments process through Credit and Debit Cards.

Unit 4. Case Studies of Application Software ( Any live System should be shown as case study):

4.1. Production planning Application software system

4.2.Accounting Application software system

4.3.Inventory Applications:

4.4. Mobile Application

4.4.1 Fundamentals of mobile Applications

4.4.2 Concepts of mobile apps and their OS(iOS,Android)

Unit 5. Emerging Trends in IT [Purpose of this unit is to give only Fundamental knowledge about the terminologies and emerging concepts of these technologies]

5.1. Emerging trends and Buzz words ( Only Basic concepts)

5.1.1 Concepts of ERP ( Fundamentals and importance)

5.1.2 ETL concepts ( Extraction, Transformation, Loading)

5.1.3 Concepts of Data Warehousing

5.1.4 Concepts of data science and its application areas.

5.1.5 Concepts of Data Analytics and related tools

5.1.6 Concepts of Business Analytics

5.1.7 Concepts of cloud

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Unit 1. Operating System Concepts

1.1.Evolution of Operating System & History

1.2.Need of an Operating System

1.3.Single User & Multi User Operating System

1.4.Elements of an Operating System

1.5.Operating System as a Resource Manager

Unit 2. Introduction to File System and File Management

2.1.File Concept

2.2.Operations on File

2.3.File Access Methods (Sequential Access and Direct Access)

2.4. Directory Systems File Management Functions.

2.5. File System and Directory Structure organization.

2.6. File Protection.

Unit 3. Introduction of Linux

3.1.Introduction of Linux versions

3.2.Components of Linux

3.3.Comparison of Windows and Linux

Unit 4. Linux Administration

4.1.Installing Linux

4.2.Installation of Open Source Software

4.3.Maintaining User Accounts

4.4.System Config Services (Package)

Unit 5. Device Management

5.1.Device Management Function

5.2.Device Characteristics

5.3.Disk space Management

5.4.Allocation and Disk Scheduling Methods

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UNIT-1: Arrays, Structure & Union and User defined function in C programming Language:

1.1 Concepts of Two-Dimensional Numeric Array:

1.1.1 Declaring Two-Dimensional numeric array

1.1.2 Two-Dimensional numeric Array operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose)

1.1.3 Element Address in array (Row major and Column major)

1.1.4 Two-Dimensional Character Array: Declaring & Initializing Two-Dimensional character array Two-Dimensional character Array operations ( Searching elements, copying, merging, finding length of given string)

1.2 Concepts of structure and Union:

1.2.1 Defining, declaring and Initializing structure and Union

1.2.2 typedef and accessing structure member

1.2.3 Difference between structure and union

1.3 User defined functions :

1.3.1 Function return type, parameter list, local function variables

1.3.2 Passing arguments to function

1.3.3 Calling function from main() function or from other function.

1.3.4 Function with No arguments and no return value, No arguments and a return value, with arguments and no return value, with arguments and a return value.

1.3.5 Recursive Function

UNIT-2 : Python Fundamentals:

2.1 Concepts of Interpreter based programming language:

2.1.1 Structure of Python Programming language.

2.1.2 Python code Indention and execution

2.2 Python Variables:

2.2.1 Naming of variables and Dynamic declaration of variables

2.2.2 Comments in Python

2.2.3 Assigning values to multiple variables

2.2.4 Global variables

2.3 Python Datatypes:

2.3.1 Text (str), Numeric Type(int, float, complex), Boolean (bool)

2.3.2 Setting Datatypes

2.3.3 Type conversion (int, float, complex), casting (int, float,str)

2.4 User defined function .

2.4.1 Defining function, Function with Parameters

2.4.2 Parameter with default value, Function with return value

UNIT-3 : Python Strings and Operators

3.1 Python Strings :

3.1.1 Multiline string, String as character array, triple quotes

3.1.2 Slicing string, negative indexing, string length, concatenation

3.1.3 String Methods:(centre, count, join, len, max, min, replace, lower, upper, replace, split)

3.2 Operators :

3.2.1 Arithmetic Operators(+,-,*,/,%,**,//)

3.2.2 Assignment Operators(=,+=,-=,/=,*=,//=)

3.2.3 Comparison Operators ( ==, !=, >,<,>=,<=)

3.2.4 Logical Operators ( and, or, not)

3.2.5 identity and member operators ( is, is not, in, not in)

UNIT-4 : Python conditional and iterative statements :

4.1 if statement, if..elif statement, if..elif…else statements, nested if

4.2 Iterative statements :

4.2.1 while loop, nested while loop, break , continue statements.

4.2.2 for loop, range, break, continue, pass and Else with for loop, nested for loop.

4.3 List : creating list, indexing, accessing list members, range in list, List methods (append, clear, copy, count, index, insert, pop, remove, reverse, sort).

UNIT-5: Python Collections and Library :

5.1 Python Collections :

5.1.1 Tuples : Declaring tuple, indexing tuple, changing tuple values, adding and removing data from tuple, Use of tuple() method to create tuple, count() and index() methods.

5.1.2 Sets: declaring set, access set data, set methods (add, clear, copy, discard, pop, remove, union, update).

5.1.3 Dictionary : Creating Dictionary, Adding, Accessing and Removing element Dictionary methods : get(), pop(), popitem(), clear(), copy()

5.2 Introduction to Numpy and Pandas :

5.2.1 Overview of numpy Numpy methods (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Variance) Implementation of Numpy methods on numeric dataset created using list.

5.2.2 Pandas Dataframe: Creating dataframe using list Creating dataframe using dict of equal length list Reading data using csv file (read_csv()) Retrieving rows and columns from dataframe using index Retrieving rows and columns using loc and iloc functions.

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Unit-1. Introduction of Relational model

1.1 Codd’s Rules

1.2 Relational operations Algebra ( select, project, union, intersection, rename)

1.3 Transaction control language: commit, savepoint, rollback

1.4 Data Control language: Grant, Revoke

Unit-2 Advanced SQL


2.2 ROWID pseudo column & DUAL table


2.4 Concepts of Index (Create, drop)

2.5 Join Queries

2.5.1 Inner Join

2.5.2 Outer Join (Left, Right, Full)

2.5.3 Cross Join

2.6 Sub Queries with(Insert, update and Delete)

2.7 Nested queries

Unit-3: PL/SQL and conditional Statements :

3.1 Introduction to PL/SQL (Definition & Block Structure)

3.2 Variables, Constants and Data Type

3.3 Assigning Values to Variables

3.4 User Defined Record

3.5 Conditional Statements

3.5.1 IF…THEN statement

3.5.2 IF..Else statements

3.5.3 multiple conditions

3.5.4 Nested IF statements

3.5.5 CASE statements

Unit-4 : Iterative Statements :

4.1 Iterative statements :

4.1.1 Loop..End Loop

4.1.2 For.. Loop

4.1.3 While Loop

4.1.4 EXIT Loop

4.1.5 Continue

Unit-5: Cursors and Exception Handling:

5.1 Concepts of Cursors

5.1.1 Types of cursors (Implicit & Explicit )

5.1.2 Declare, open, fetch and close cursors.

5.2 Cursor Attributes : (%FOUND,%NOTFOUND,%ISOPEN,%ROWCOUNT)

5.3 Exception Handling in PL/SQL

5.3.1 Types of Exceptions: Named System Exceptions Unnamed System Exceptions User-defined Exceptions User Defined Exceptions

5.3.2 Exception Handling

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1. Writing codes and execution of tasks based on Course-Paper-204.

2. Practical implementation of SQL and Procedural SQL based on Paper-205.

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