Welcome to Smt. Tanuben & Dr. Manubhai Trivedi College of Information Science, Wadia Women Campus, Athwalines, Surat, 395001
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Unit 1. Introduction

1.1. Spoken and conversation for Greetings, Requests, Invitation, Permission, Thanks etc.

1.2.Basic Sentence patterns

1.3.Basic rule of Composition

1.4.Vocabulary Development

1.5.Paragraph Development

Unit 2. Fundamentals of Grammar

2.1.Agreement between Subject and Verb

2.2.Model Auxiliary

2.3.Active and Passive voice

2.4.Conjunction and prepositions

Unit 3. Writing Skills

3.1.Guidelines for effective writing

3.2.Writing style of application

3.3. Personal Resume

Unit 4. Business Letter and Report Writing Skills

4.1. Business letter and Memo including Requests, Complaints, Quotation etc.

4.2.Technical Report writing

Unit 5. Speaking and Discussion Skills

5.1.Components of Effective talk / presentation

5.2.Planning of content of a talk / presentation

5.3.Use of Visual aids

5.4.Effective speaking skills

5.5.Discussion skills

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Unit 1. Set Theory



1.3.Operation and its properties

1.4.Venn Diagram

1.5.Cartesian product and graph

Unit 2. Functions


2.2.Types – Domain and Range

2.3.Construction and functions

Unit 3. Mathematical Logic

3.1.Introduction to logic

3.2.Truth Table

Unit 4. Boolean Algebra

4.1Definition & Examples of Boolean Algebra

4.2Boolean Functions

4.3Representation and minimization of Boolean Functions

4.4Design example using Boolean algebra

Unit 5. Matrices and Determinants

5.1.Matrices of order M * N

5.2.Row and Column transformation

5.3.Addition, Subtraction and multiplication of Matrices

5.4.Computation of Inverse

5.5.Cramer’s Rule

5.6.Business Application of Matrices

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UNIT-1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction of Computer

1.2 Applications of Computer

1.3 Types of Computers – Super Computers, Mainframes, Mini Computers, Micro

computers(Desktop, Laptop, Notebook, Tablet, Smart Phones)

1.4 Block Diagram and functional units of computer

UNIT-2: Basic Computer Architecture

2.1 Concepts of Address Bus and Data Bus

2.2 Concept of virtual memory and cache memory

2.3. Hardware Components

2.3.1. Motherboard

2.3.2. Types of Processor (CPU and GPU)

2.3.3. Understanding processor speed


2.3.5. Storage Devices – Hard Disk, CD, DVD, USB flash memory

2.4. Introduction to Software

2.4.1. Purpose and significance of Operating System

2.4.2. Concept of System Software and Application Software

UNIT-3: Number System

3.1. Introduction of Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number Systems.

3.2 Conversion of Decimal to Binary and Binary to Decimal

3.3 Binary addition & subtraction

3.4 ASCII and ANSI character code

Unit – 4: Input & Output Devices

4.1. Introduction of Input Devices

4.1.1. Pointing Devices – Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Touch Screen, Light Pen

4.1.2. Keyboard

4.1.3. RFID concepts and application in FastTag

4.2. Introduction and purpose of Scanning Devices

4.2.1. Optical Scanner

4.2.2. Bar Code Reader

4.2.3. Web Camera

4.3. Introduction and comparisons of Output Devices

4.3.1. Monitors – LED, LCD,TFT, OLED, TouchScreen Monitor

4.3.2. Printers – Dot Matrix Printer, Laser Printer, Inkjet Printer

Unit - 5: Concepts of Internet

5.1. Concepts of Internet and WWW

5.1.1 Types of Internet Services

5.1.2 Hardware – Modem, Router, Blue tooth, Fire-Stick

5.1.3 Internet connections using Hotspot, WiFi, cable

5.2 Introduction of Cloud

5.2.1 Concepts of cloud

5.2.2 Purpose and application of Cloud ( Example of GoogleDoc)

5.2.3 Concepts of Online Data Backup

5.3 Introduction of Web Browser and relevant terminologies :

5.3.1 URL, Address bar, Domain, Links, Navigation Buttons

5.3.2 Tabbed browsing, Bookmarks, History

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UNIT-1: Introduction

1.1 Concepts of Programming Language

1.1.1 Introduction of Source Code, Object Code and executable code

1.1.2 Algorithm and Flowchart

1.1.3 Concepts of Structured Programming Language

1.2 Concepts of Editor, Interpreter and Compiler

1.2.1 Introduction of C program body structure

1.2.2 Character Set, concepts of variables and constants

1.2.3 Identifiers, literals, Key words

1.2.4 Data types (signed and unsigned) (Numeric : int, short int, long, float,

double) , (Character type: char, string) and void.

1.2.5 Concepts of source code, object code and executable code.

UNIT-2: Input/Output Statements and Operators:

2.1 Input/Output statements:

2.1.1 Concepts of Header files (STDIO,CONIO) Concepts of pre-compiler directives. Use of #inlcude and #define

2.2 Input/Output Statements:

2.2.1 Input statements : scanf(), getc(), getch(), gets(), getchar()

2.2.2 Output Statements: printf(), putc(),puts(), putchar()

2.2.3 Type specifiers (formatting strings) : %d, %ld, %f, %c, %s, %lf

2.3 Operators :

2.3.1 Arithmetic operators ( +, -, *, /, %, ++, --, )

2.3.2 Logical Operators ( &&, ||, ! )

2.3.3 Relational Operators ( >, <, ==, >=, <=, != )

2.3.4 Bit-wise operators ( &, |, ^ , <<, >>)

2.3.5 Assignment operators ( =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)

2.3.6 Ternary Operator and use of sizeof() function.

2.4 Important Built-in functions:

2.4.1 Use of <string.h> : ( strlen, strcmp, strcpy, strcat, strrev)

2.4.2 Use of <math.h> : (abs(), floor(), round(), ceil(), sqrt(), exp(), log(), sin(),

cos(), tan(), pow() and trunc())

UNIT-3: Decision Making statements :

3.1 if statements :

3.1.1 simple if statements

3.1.2 if…else statements

3.1.3 if…else if….else statements

3.1.4 Nested if statements.

3.2 Switch..case statements

3.2.1 Use of break and default

3.2.2 Difference between switch and if statements.

UNIT-4: Iterative statements :

4.1 Use of goto statement for iteration

4.2 while loop

4.3 do..while loop

4.4 for loop

4.5 Nested while, do..while and for loops

4.6 Jumping statement: (break and continue)

UNIT-5: Concepts of Arrays and pointer

5.1 Concepts of Single-dimensional Array

5.1.1 Numeric single dimensional Array

5.1.2 Numeric single dimensional array operations: Sorting array in ascending or descending. (Bubble and selection) Searching element from array (Linear Search)

5.1.3 Character Single dimensional Array Character Single dimensional array operations: Use of , and

5.2 Pointers:

5.2.1 Concepts of Pointers

5.2.2 Declaring and initializing int, float, char and void pointers

5.2.3 Pointer to single dimensional numeric array.

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UNIT-1: Concepts of worksheet: (Max.Weightage: 15%)

1.1 Fundamentals of Worksheet:

1.1.1 Concepts of workbook, adding worksheet, cell address, formula bar,

column, rows, cells, Insert, delete, format cells , cell size (

row-height, column weight), rename sheet, protect sheet, lock cell.

1.1.2 Cut, copy, paste, paste special, format painter, font size, font face,

fill color, font color, font alignment

1.2 Alignment, indent, Number format, percent style, coma style, increase/decrease decimal

1.2.1 Insert picture, shapes

1.2.2 Insert Textbox, Header & Footer, Symbols

1.2.3 Save, save as, save file as csv, spell check, protect sheet and Workbook, Linking spread sheets.

1.2.4 Print, Quick print, Print preview

1.2.5 Split, Hide and freeze panes in worksheet.

UNIT-2: Formulas, Chart and Data: (Max.Weightage: 15%)

2.1 Charts :

2.1.1 Creating 2D and 3D charts ( Columns, Line, Pie, Bar, Scatter)

2.1.2 Difference among columns, Line and bar charts.

2.2 Formulas:

2.2.1 sum, average, count, max, min, sumif, pmt, stddev

2.2.2 Logical ( if, AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE )

2.2.3 Date and Day function : Date, day, time, now, Hour, Minute, Second,

Month, Days360, weekday

2.3 Data :

2.3.1 Sort Data, Filter Data

2.3.2 Text to columns, Remove Duplication

2.3.3 Consolidated Data ( sum, count, max, min, average)

UNIT-3: Concepts of Database: (Max.Weightage: 25%)

3.1 Database characteristics:

3.1.1 Data Independence ( Logical and Physical)

3.1.2 Components of Database ( User, Application , DBMS, Database)

3.1.3 Database Architecture (1-tier, 2-tier, 3-tier) Comparison, advantages and disadvantages.

3.2 Database Models ( Hierarchical, Network, E/R, Relational)

3.2.1 E/R model : Entity, Relationship, Attribute

3.2.2 E/R Diagram : One to one, one to many , many to one, many to many

3.2.3 Strong entity, weak entity

3.2.4 key attribute, derived attribute, Multi-valued attribute

3.3 Types of keys :

3.3.1 Super key, candidate key, Primary key, Composite key, Foreign key, Unique key.

UNIT-4: Normalization and Concepts of SQL: (Max.Weightage: 25%)

4.1 Why normalization ( Insertion, Updating, Deletion anomalies)

4.2 Normalization Rules:

4.2.1 Concepts of Dependency, Transitive Dependency

4.2.2 Armstrong Axioms

4.2.3 1st Normal Form, 2nd Normal Form, 3rd Normal Form, B.C.N.F.

4.3 Concepts of Structure Query Language (SQL)

4.3.1 SQL datatypes : int, float, double, char, varchar, number, varchar2, Text, date

4.4 DDL Statements :

4.4.1 Create , Drop, Truncate, Rename, Alter

4.5 DML and DQL(Data Query Language) Statements :

4.5.1 Insert, Update, Delete

4.5.2 select

UNIT-5: Queries (Single Table only) (Max.Weightage: 20%)

5.1 Using where clause and operators with where clause:

5.1.1 In, between , like, not in, =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, wildcard operators

5.1.2 Order by, Group by, Distinct

5.1.3 AND, OR operators, Exists and not Exists

5.1.4 Use of Alias

5.2 Constraints ( Table level and Attribute Level)


5.2.2 UNIQUE, Primary Key, Foreign Key

5.2.3 On Delete Cascade

5.3 SQL Functions :

5.3.1 Aggregate Functions: avg(), max(), min(), sum(), count(), first(), last().

5.3.2 Scalar Functions: ucase(), lcase(), round(), mid().

5.4 Creating sequence


5.5.1 Creating simple view, updating view, dropping view.

5.5.2 Difference between View and Table.

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1. Creating and performing tasks based on unit 1 and 2 of Course-Paper-105.

2. Practical implementation of SQL based on Unit-3, Unit-4, Unit-5 of Course-


3. Practical implementation based on Course-Paper-104.

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